75th Anniversary of VJ Day - 15th August

In the run up to the 75th Anniversary of VJ Day Here are my Great Grandfather’s Diary entries in the lead up to the surrender of the Japanese, whilst he was a POW in Changi, 1945.

2nd August - ‘Weight about the same, but very weak condition, Hope released soon’

11th August - ‘Have GREAT News, hardly believable yet. Tummy still bad’

12th August - ‘Great excitement at camps, Rumours galore.’

13th August - ‘Still exercising precaution’

14th August - ‘Extra 50gms of Rice. ““ 20gms of oil. Issued on the QT “ The Excelient’

15th August - ‘Kent Revally at 8.30’

16th August - ‘ Nothing Official yet’

17th August - ‘Pretty well certain.’

18th August - ‘These days of uncertainty have a telling effect’

19th August - ‘Rumours run wild but biding till time.’

20th August - ‘nothing issued by Gen. Saito’

21st August - ‘Still anxious’

22nd August - ‘Another day of whispering but OK’

24th August - ‘Outside camp Outram Road prisoners return, Now 12,000 food=clothing pouring in. Cig issue. Cables sent 21/8 V. happy attending in Pow…Troops well behaved up till now.

25th August - ‘

26th August - ‘ all good news now. Fish 1g

27th August - ‘31 years service today, feeding on Red+ parcels 1 to 20, Butter and cheese issue extra’

28th August - ‘Sime Road + rest camps. 1st Liberator over, pamphlets dropped …… to POW’s. Tummy much better, but not…’